Space is allocated according to the strategic academic, research and outreach priorities established by the University. 

You will be contacted within seven days to go over your request in more detail. Please be able to describe how space requests and changes to current space support the Oregon State University mission, vision and strategic plan. 

Enter the name, title and department/college/unit of the unit head who is authorizing this request.
Briefly describe the need for space. Please describe in what way your current space is inadequate for your needs and any efforts that have been made to use any existing assigned space for the stated purpose.
Describe the intended use of the space. Include details such as location and any special requirements; room use description (e.g. faculty or staff office, teaching lab, research lab, research or teaching support space, departmental classroom, workroom, conference room, storage, reception, etc.); number of occupants and occupant type (faculty, staff, T/A, R/A, student workers, etc.)
If this is a request for temporary space, enter the date range that is needed. If this is not a temporary space request, enter the date when the space is needed.
List any space(s) that will be returned to the university inventory with approval of this request, such as rooms or spaces that the Dept. will vacate if this request is approved.
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