
Operation & Maintenance Manuals (O&Ms) are required by the construction documents to ensure the Owner’s operation and maintenance personnel understand the function and servicing requirements of the equipment installed.


The Project Manager (PM) is responsible for verifying that the required O&M Manuals are received from the General Contractor.


The Contractor submits 75% O&M Manuals at 75% completion of construction prior to Substantial Completion.

The Contractor submits 100% O&M Manuals at Project Completion.


The PM should review the 75% O&M Manuals for format, content and consistency with the specifications and forward to Construction Contracts Administration (CCA) for review.  The reviewed 75% O&Ms should be returned to the Contractor with revision comments for inclusion in the 100% O&Ms.

Upon completion of the project, the Contractor submits 100% O&Ms to the PM for review.  The PM should submit O&Ms to CCA for final review.  Once 100% O&Ms are reviewed for completeness and accuracy, they should be submitted to the Plan Center for archiving.