Monroe Avenue Corridor Study

Monroe Avenue Corridor Study

Oregon State University and the city of Corvallis are partnering to develop a vision for how NW Monroe Avenue between 14th and 26th Streets could better accommodate travelers of all modes while enhancing opportunities for connections between the community and the university.

Monroe Avenue Open House - Concepts 

Monroe Ave Corridor

Public Involvement

The community will have an opportunity to give feedback during this project.

December 2023
January 2024
March 2024
April 2024
An online mapping tool and project survey to seek your feedback on the corridor. A community open house to review the initial set of corridor concepts.

A second community open house to provide feedback on the preferred corridor concept.

A city council adoption hearing on the preferred corridor concept.


Contact Information

Bob Richardson, OSU
[email protected]

Greg Gescher, city of Corvallis
[email protected]

Project Information Sheet