OSU Design & Construction Standards

The OSU Design & Construction Standards (Standards) support OSU’s policies related to the design and maintenance of facilities on campus and to the OSU Campus Master Plan. The documents are separated by divisions according to Construction Specification Institute (CSI) MasterFormat 2014.  The table of contents provides easy identification of the sections covered within each division.  Division 1 documents provide general information pertinent to most projects, while other divisions are more specific to a particular trade or subject.  Sections updates are noted within the document. 

Deviation from Design and Construction Standards Form

Table of Contents

Division 1: General Requirements

 Division 2: Existing Conditions

Division 7: Thermal and Moisture Protection

Division 8: Openings

Division 9: Finishes

Division 10: Specialties

Division 11: Equipment

Division 12: Furnishings

Division 13: Special Construction

Division 14: Elevators

Division 21: Fire Suppression Systems

Division 22: Plumbing

Division 23: HVAC

 Division 25: Integrated Automation

 Division 26: Electrical

 Division 27: Communication

 Division 28: Electronic Safety and Security

Division 31: Earthwork

Division 32: Exterior Improvements

Division 33: Utilities

Division 34: Transportation/Campus Circulation


Pedestrian Facility Size

2021 OSU Street Standards